Selasa, 28 Mei 2019

Google Alert - Science

As-it-happens update May 29, 2019
Toot toot! Marco Langbroek/GIF by Nicole Archer/CNET. Those lights aren't an intelligent extraterrestrial army moving in to take over planet Earth -- they're just SpaceX's Starlink satellites, designed to provide broadband services across the globe. The first ...
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Astronomy Magazine
In one fiery burst, an exploding nearby star millions of years ago may have helped change the course of life on Earth. Upon its death, this supernova sent high-energy charged particles, called cosmic rays, racing across the universe. Now, a new study says ...
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International Business Times
NASA's Mars 2020 rover will kick off its journey to the Red Planet in July 2020, with an expected arrival date of February 2021. But where exactly will the rover touch down on Mars? NASA recently released an image of the Jezero Crater, the target landing site ...
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Since the mothballing of the space shuttle program in 2011, U.S. astronauts going to the International Space Station have had to hitch rides on Russian rockets blasting off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in southern Kazakhstan, once a part of the late, ...
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Date: May 28, 2019; Source: Johns Hopkins Medicine; Summary: In a bid to reveal even more distinctive differences and similarities, researchers have developed two new artificial intelligence methods that decipher complex gene activity controlling cell fate ...
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The Weather Network
A bolt of lightning put the blast in blast off for a Soyuz rocket launch in northern Russia on Monday. The Soyuz-2.1b rocket, scheduled to lift a navigation satellite into orbit, took a direct hit from the bolt during lift-off early Monday morning, local time, from ...
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